Resources For Government Contractors
Current FAR
Federal Acquisition Regulations - PDF Format (updated 1/1/2014)
SAM (System for Award Management)
Formerly CCR - Register and Review Government Contractor Records
Primary Source of Information on Available Contract Opportunities
GAO Legal Decisions
Government Accountability Office Bid Protest Decisions
Banks & Associates is a leader in training in the areas of Government Contracting, Construction Law and the laws impacting growing businesses in Texas. We demonstrate our leadership by providing information and updates on the changes in the law through our website, social media and community education programs.
We also provide customized, on-site courses and seminars for business and executives executives across Texas. Our courses have been approved for continuing education credits (CPE) by the Texas Board of Public Accountancy. Each of our courses included at least .5 hours of ethics training.
GSA Schedules Boot Camp [More Information]
Government agencies spend more than $40 billion each year on purchases made through the various GSA and VA schedules. In Texas, purchasing vehicles including the TXMAS schedule provide access to restricted purchasing environments for GSA schedule members. Topics include: Overview of GSA Schedule Programs; The Schedule Negotiation Process; Reporting and Payment Requirements; Performance Issues and many more...
Debriefing and Protests After Federal Contract Awards [More Information]
Whether a company wins or loses a bid opportunity, there is always an opportunity to improve the process for the next time around. However, to preserve the right to appeal an award decision and obtain the necessary information to support a bid protest, a timely and detailed debriefing must be requested. Learn what can and should be included in a debriefing request, the critical timelines for each activity, and practical approaches for successful protest actions.
Debriefing and Protests After Contract Awards in Texas [More Information]
This training program is tailored specifically to the requirements of Texas Agencies including TxDOT, HISD and City of Houston. Learn what can and should be included in a debriefing request, the critical timelines for each activity, and practical approaches for successful protest actions.
Anatomy of a Federal Government Contract [More Information]
Success in Government Contracting requires much more than the ability to execute the work required in the contract. It involves complying with the FAR and the relevant agency requirements, as well as the extensive reporting requirements. More than 50% of small businesses who submit at least one bid will never win a Government Contract, and many of those who win one will never win a second. Learn the structure, requirements and key provisions of a Government Contract.
Contract Administration for Non-Attorneys [More Information]
In a perfect world, every business would have an efficient and effective internal legal department focused on helping the company build its wealth and protect its assets. In the real world, small businesses rely on non-attorney staff to accomplish some of the important contract administration functions. Still it is important that the internal forms, contract agreements and procedures are prepared by experienced attorneys and used by staff who have been trained in the most important aspects of their job. We train non-attorneys to handle the most important internal contract administration functions for small businesses.
We believe in a low instructor to student ratio for all courses, allowing instructors to provide a concentrated focus on current attendee issues and unique creating learning opportunities for all. Our expert instructors tailor their approach to the course to meet each attendee’s concerns and answer specific questions. An additional benefit is the opportunity for students to get to know their fellow classmates and benefit from their questions and comments as well.
Our courses have flexible timelines to meet the needs of class participants. Even after the course has ended, attendees are invited to call/email our instructors if a new question should arise.
Our of instructors are legal professional are available for further, more in-depth consultations and to tailor customized on-site training programs.
GSA Schedules Boot Camp
The Government spends more than $60 billion each year through GSA and VA Schedule contracts. In today's environment, no serious contractor can hope to compete without at least one Schedule contract.
Many businesses waste time and money submitting GSA Schedule Proposals that will either never be approved or take over a year to receive approval because they lack the necessary inside knowledge.
Why attend the GSA Schedules Boot Camp?
1. Gain knowledge to improve proposal success.
2. Reduce preparation time for GSA proposals.
3. Manage costs by setting realistic goals and creating a plan for success.
This information-packed, hands on seminar is a full day intensive training designed to give serious businesses the boost necessary to submit a winning Schedule proposal.
After this Saturday seminar, participants will return to the office on Monday prepared effeciently and accurately prepare a winning GSA Schedule Proposal.
Program Outline
Part I - Getting Started
- DUNS Number
-, Reps and Certs
- Digital Certificate
- Past Performance Evaluation References
- GSA Schedule and SINs Selection
- GSA Pathway To Success
Part II - Products and Services Offered
- Corporate Experience
- Projects and Resumes
- Pricing
- Commercial Sales Practices (CSP-1)
- Discounting Policy
- Labor Category Matrix
- Catalogs
- Organization Structure
Part III - Documentation
- Descriptions and Company Literature
- Marketing Plan
- Quality Assurance Plan
- Professional Employee Compensation Plan
- Subcontracting Plan
- Financial Statements
- Sales Forecasts
- Training Programs
GSA Contract Compliance
Winning your GSA Schedule contract is step #1.
After securing your schedule contract the true work begins. Next steps include:
Creating a marketing plan
Updating registration (if necessary)
Confirming GSA eLibrary information
Uploading approved price list
Submitting necessary modifications
Reporting sales and IFF remittance
Reviewing GSA sales tracking systems
Compiling GSA contract complliance plan
All Government contracts come with the expectation of ongoing scrutiny of allowable costs and acceptable delivery of services. However, GSA contracts come with the additional burden of ensuring that the rates charged to the Government client are the most favorable rates, and that all revenues earned from the Government are reported to GSA quarterly along with the IFF remittance.
The extra compliance requirements of GSA Schedule contracts makes the administration process more burdensome than most contract types.
Contact Banks & Associates to learn how we can make the contract compliance process smoother and more predictable.
Our attorneys and contracting professionals can work with your organization to create a compliance and reporting plan that tracks and responds to each element of the GSA's annual Schedule Audit to ensure the most favorable ratings with each annual audit.
GSA Schedule Proposal Support
GSA decisions come down to three letters: ROI
Return on investment must be part of every business' calculation when selecting a GSA Schedule consultant.
The Government is looking for the best qualified candidates to deliver their needs at a competitive cost. Similarly, every business should evaluate the skill of the consultant and weigh the cost the services.
For busy leaders, cost includes more than just money. The cost also includes the time spent by business leaders and the value of peace of mind. At Banks & Associates our focus is to ensure that our clients' investment of time and resources makes their business more attractive and accessible to their Government clientele.
With on-staff professionals, each with more than 15 years Government proposal experience, B&A is uniquely qualified to provide turnkey GSA proposal support of a high quality, with proven results.
Please click here to request our Qualifcations Statement, which explains the value that B&A can bring to your GSA Schedule proposal process.
How to win your GSA Schedule contract!
1. Pursue the right schedule.
With over 40 different schedules to the choose from it is important to choose the right one first.
2. Pursue only the SINs where you are credible.
You should only apply for SINS you can credibly present your compabilities for your selected schedule.
3. Decide to bid as an entity or business unit.
Because pricing is an important part of the proposal process, the entity or business unit decision should not be taken lightly.
4. Be prepared to demonstrate excellence.
The Government has tremendous purchasing power and is looking for the best sellers. A strong track record past performance is important to securing a schedule contract.
5. Get it right the first time.
The GSA Schedule proposal process is time intesive. Submitting a weak proposal leads to expensive back and forth conversations between your business and the Government, and can ultimately lead to yoru business not being awarded a contract. It is always less costly to do it right the first time.
The free downloads provide general information. They are not a substitute for specific legal advice. While I stand behind the information based on the original context in which it was provided, you should only rely on legal advice from a licensed attorney in response to a specific question.
- Olaide A. Banks
Contract Administration
For Non-Attorneys
In a perfect world business owners would have access to attorneys to handle every aspect of the contract creation, administration, and closeout process. In the real world, business owners and their employees must understand and handle intricate and financially significant administration issues.
Topics covered:
Understanding common contract terms
Change orders
Internal contract reports
Construction contract terms
Government contract terms
*** Download Seminar Materials ***
Download the New Whitepaper:
"Creating Winning Contractor Teams"
Next-Level Success Tools
From The Experts
Government agencies spend more than $66 billion each year on purchases through various GSA and VA Schedules. In Texas, TxDOT spends more than $6 billion annually on construction, architecture and engineering contracts, while the City of Houston $1.5 billion for the same services.
If your business is not meeting its public sector contracting goals or has set new stretch goals this seminar is an absolute must.
Topics covered:
Teaming and Subcontracting For Success
GSA Schedule Programs
Excelling With Your Business Certifications
Checklists That Boost Success
Finding The Right Opportunities
Winning RFPs and Bids
Financing Resources Government Contracts
Protecting Your Assets